Postcards, the email of their day, came about because the United States public was looking for an easy way to send quick notes. The USPS began to issue pre-stamped postal cards in 1873 and held that monopoly until 1898. That year Congress passed the Private Mailing Card Act which allowed private publishers and printers to produce postcards. The term "Private Mailing Card," printed on the backs of cards, distinguishes these privately printed postcards from those of the USPS. Postcards went through many phases, and even if a postcard is not dated or was never mailed, it may be possible to determine an approximate printing period based on specific characteristics of the card.
Suffolk Resolves House
Milton Public Library
Second Congregational Church
Old Milton Town Hall
Milton Convalescent Home
Milton High School and
the Central Fire Station
Children's Church
Vose School / High School
Central Avenue Depot
Milton Yacht Club
Transfer Station
Blue Hills Observatory
Milton Hospital
Kidder Branch, Milton Public Library
Leopold Morse Home
Jeanne d'Arc Academy
Hose #2 Fire House
Glover-Adams-Gardner House
St. Agatha's Church
Cunningham Park Pool
Crehore House
Belcher School
Thacher School
Harriet Ware Hall, Milton Academy
Webb Mill
East Milton Baptist Church
Captain Robert Bennet Forbes House
Blue Hills Police Station
Milton Hill House
St. Michael's Church
Smith School
The Church of Our Saviour
1431 Brush Hill Road
Rising Sun Inn
Old Blue Bell Inn
Junction of Blue Hills Parkway & Avenue
Milton Savings Bank
Rev. Nathan Hunt
St. Agatha's parochial residence
Lincoln Cabin
Hughes House
Draper House
Milton Club
Old Ruggles House
Charles Eliot Bridge
Crossman House
Fontbonne Academy
East Milton Square
Granite Railway Frog and Marker
Curry College
Trailside Museum